The Christmas Coffee Morning

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The Christmas coffee morning was a huge success. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all the residents, and very well supported by the many visitors who came not only to enjoy a coffee and a chat, but to purchase the many items which were for sale.

We raised a total of £436  which as you are already aware goes towards The Residents Fund; this enables us to access all the external entertainment which takes place here at the home.

There was a further ‘on going raffle’ which was drawn at the Christmas party. This was because Joyce (who’s 96) had very kindly knitted and donated a nativity set. Then Christina’s husband made a wonderful stable to go with it. We thought long and hard how to best get the most from such a fantastic donation, so an individual raffle it was! (It made a fantastic£76)

Dog flannels

Dog flannels

Pipe cleaner teddies

Pipe cleaner teddies

Chocolate box teddies

Chocolate box teddies

The sweets are made!

The sweets are made!

Joyce's Nativity Scene

Joyce’s Nativity Scene

The raffle is being drawn

The raffle is being drawn

Ealing House Ealing House

Buying a special raffle ticket

Buying a special raffle ticket

Morris and Jean enjoy a coffee and a chat

Morris and Jean enjoy a coffee and a chat

Coffee and a chat!

Coffee and a chat!

Coffee morning visitors

Coffee morning visitors

Ealing House

Showing everyone what we've been up to!

Showing everyone what we’ve been up to!

The main raffle

The main raffle

The cake stall

The cake stall

The cake stall

The cake stall

The sweet stall

The sweet stall

The dining room is ready!

The dining room is ready!

The tombola

The tombola

Please Guess 'MY' name!

Please Guess ‘MY’ name!

Sweet stall

Sweet stall

'Sale' table

‘Sale’ table