Thank you

We had our Easter Coffee Morning on Friday 7th April.

What a lovely time we had, it was great to see so many people from the village come along for some Easter fun.

Needless to say Easter Bunny was there not just one but two! It must be true what they say about rabbits!!!

We are delighted to announce that we raised a wonderful £430 on the day and the remainder of the crafts are on sale in the hall, so we feel sure that the total will indeed be more.

Thank you for all your support. It not only is a lovely morning, but it enables our residents to show off their creativity as they put together the stalls.

Following the event we had a chat on how best to use the money and the residents have come up with a list of activities and outings that they would like throughout the spring and summer. So we’ll get busy making these happen! Watch this space!!DSC05224 DSC05226 DSC05227 DSC05229 DSC05230 DSC05231 DSC05232 DSC05235 DSC05236 DSC05238 DSC05239 DSC05241 DSC05244 DSC05245 DSC05247 DSC05249 DSC05250 DSC05252 DSC05253 DSC05255 DSC05257 DSC05258 DSC05260 DSC05264 DSC05266 DSC05267 DSC05268 DSC05269 DSC05271 DSC05272 DSC05274 DSC05275 DSC05276 DSC05277 DSC05278 DSC05279 DSC05280 DSC05283 DSC05284 DSC05285 DSC05286 DSC05289 DSC05293 DSC05294 DSC05296