Tea Tasting

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As part of our work along side the UEA to promote good hydration we held a ‘Tea Tasting’ morning.

With the ‘best’ china teacups at the ready it was time to try a selection of teas; and then guess their various flavours. It was interesting to see the differing colours of each brew, and smell the differing aromas of the tea.

Following the tasting session there was a ‘Tea’ quiz to take part in, which was all good fun.178-IMG_2966 177-IMG_2964 176-IMG_2963 175-IMG_2962 174-IMG_2959 173-IMG_2957 172-IMG_2956 171-IMG_2955 170-IMG_2952 169-IMG_2941 168-IMG_2939 167-IMG_2937 166-IMG_2936 165-IMG_2934 164-IMG_2930 163-IMG_2928 162-IMG_2927 161-IMG_2926