Christmas Party

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Puss in Boots

Puss in Boots





The lost reindeer

The lost reindeer

 A packed House

A packed House

Sorting out the raffle

Sorting out the raffle

Carol singing

Carol singing

Frosty the snowman

Frosty the snowman

The Raffle

The Raffle

Prize giving

Prize giving

Party food

Party food

Party food

Party food

We held the Christmas party on Sat 7th December. It began with a pantomime by The Eve Long production company. This year’s production was ‘Puss in Boots’. Everyone enjoyed it joining in when prompted. We certainly had a ‘Full House’! Following the pantomime song sheets were handed out, and carols then sung. This certainly added to the festive feeling throughout the home. Then to finish off this part of the afternoon  the raffle was drawn, there were many lovely prizes, with a total of £170 being made. All proceeds as you know go into the Residents fund.

Then everyone retired to the lounges whilst the  room was transformed back into a dining room ready for a buffet tea party! This was then enjoyed by all.