Burns Day

The year has already got off to a busy start, as we had big ideas for our Burns Day celebrations!

We thought it would be fun to see if we could make a large ‘Nessie’ as part of our display, after all it would Gertie and Andy something to befriend!!!

So we let our imagination run wild! Armed with some bendy wire a pair of tights and some poly fibre filler we began.

Nessie was ready to be secured to a wooden base. Following which he was covered in plaster of paris bandages followed by a layer of bandaging.

Once dry he was painted bright green, a shimmery fabric water was added. All that was needed then were the finishing touches of a Tartan hat and a thick woolly scarf made by Daphne and Irene.

I think you’ll agree from the photos he turned out really well. Don’t YOU agree?

Then we thought it would be a challenge to see if we could make some smaller individual ones which were constructed out of newspaper and then covered in papier mache. This led to a few very messy activity sessions indeed but the finished results were well worth all the effort.

As the day drew nearer everything was in place for a Burn’s Day extravaganza!

As ever we did it in style, the tables and room were decorated in tartan and all the things we’d been making were in place.

The haggis was piped in using the music on the I Pad and the Shelick Grace was said before everyone tucked into their Haggis, mash and neaps followed by Cranachan. Needless to say there was the option to sample some 25 year old malt whiskey if desired!!

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