Monthly Archives: July 2023


Ealing House entry in the Martham Carnival

As you may be aware it was 'touch and go' as to whether the Carnival procession would take place this year.  Despite the weathers' best efforts to further dampen everyone's spirits, the procession got underway 15 minutes later than scheduled. As ever  Martham community were in good spirits, and lined the streets to watch the procession go by. Our theme [...]

2023-07-12T16:49:05+00:00 July 12, 2023|

Lorraine and Alfie

Lorraine came in to visit with Alfie. As ever the residents were delighted to see them. He is very sweet natured indeed. hope he pops in again soon xx

2023-07-12T16:53:13+00:00 July 10, 2023|

Work Experience and Wellbeing

We have been very fortunate to have two work experience students. They really seemed to enjoy their time with us, as much as we enjoyed having them. Hopefully they will pop in and let us know how they are getting on with their studies.   Malcolm also enjoyed his birthday late June, he was spoilt as you can see.

2023-07-20T07:47:36+00:00 July 9, 2023|