Monthly Archives: July 2023


Mango Day!

Yes that's right ..............Mango Day!! For this we gathered mango's in differing forms. We tried each type. There was fresh, tinned, dried, made into a fruit snack bar, yogurt, and a sorbet. We decided to make some mango smoothies too. One just Mango, Mango and Banana, and mango and passionfruit. We had help from Sara and the children making it [...]

2023-08-04T11:38:11+00:00 July 28, 2023|

July Picnic

Sadly the weather let us down when we attempted to repeat our much enjoyed picnic at Martham duck pond.. However our enthusiasm was undeterred, so we made a duck pond in the dining room and sat around that eating a picnic style lunch! Look at the FUN we had.   .

2023-08-04T11:26:40+00:00 July 26, 2023|

Moon Landing Day

Yes that's right there is a day to commemorate the first walk on the moon. We are very fortunate to have some original newspapers from 21st July 1969 with photos and information about such an amazing feat for mankind. We also had some 'Space food' to try! Look.  

2023-08-03T07:32:29+00:00 July 22, 2023|