Monthly Archives: February 2023


Pizza Day

There were homemade pizza on the menu for our Pizza Day celebrations. We decided to go completely Italian for the day too, with  Italian quizzes and holiday reminiscence. Yum!

2023-04-21T08:46:02+00:00 February 18, 2023|

Valentine’s Day

As ever we enjoyed Valentines Day. Sara came with the children to bring some rose corsages and chocolates which was a lovely surprise. Here are some photos of the build up and the day itself. 

2023-04-21T08:50:45+00:00 February 17, 2023|

Tu B’Shevat

We always enjoy celebrating Tu B'Shevat, and combine it with a healthy eating week. The week consists of wellbeing activities, such as looking at and identifying fruits (tasting), herbs and spices, smoothie making, and cookery.  

2023-04-21T08:37:48+00:00 February 14, 2023|