Monthly Archives: July 2021



We can't Thank Caister vets enough for their expertise and treatment that they gave our dear Treacle. She developed a very dangerous condition called Pyomtra  which is often fatal in cats. Thankfully the vet 'spotted' it, and poor Treacle underwent an emergency hysterectomy.  She was nursed back to health over the following 10 days at Jenny and Vince's home. When [...]

2021-07-05T14:50:59+00:00 July 2, 2021|

Canada Day

We had to celebrate Canada Day with Jenny being Canadian!! We had a look through all the Canadian things in the special box. This was then followed by  a Canadian  themed meal of salmon, scallop potatoes and vegetables, followed by a peach and melon platter.

2021-07-22T12:14:22+00:00 July 2, 2021|