Monthly Archives: February 2021


Nutella Day

Nothing goes past US! It was national Nutella day. We decided to make a Nutella and cherry gateaux. It was not only delicious, but fun to make as well (as you can see!).

2021-02-16T18:03:31+00:00 February 12, 2021|

Hedgehog Day

As you are all probably already aware I am a huge hedgehog fan. So how could we let National Hedgehog awareness day go by unnoticed!  There were numerous photos of hedgehogs to look at, along with books and the equipment needed to do a 'rescue'. Needless to say no real hedgehog, but indeed a little cuddly one to act as [...]

2021-02-08T10:06:31+00:00 February 8, 2021|

Milk Day

To celebrate milk day we tasted milkshakes and learnt about dairy farming. We even had some dairy cow napkins to use! So much going on its hard to keep up!!!

2021-02-09T10:00:28+00:00 February 7, 2021|