Monthly Archives: September 2014



We have enjoyed some birthday celebrations recently. Firstly we had Franks 88th Birthday. He enjoyed a morning celebration as he was going to spend the afternoon out with his family. Then there was Nellie's birthday she was 96, and the following day was Christina's. So there was plenty of cake about for everyone to enjoy. Here are some photos for [...]

2017-05-26T13:27:59+00:00 September 12, 2014|

Boat trip number 2!

The second trip on the Waveney Stardust proved as much of a success as the first, with all those who went along thoroughly enjoying their time on board. They were also blessed with a beautiful summers day and lapped up the sunshine whilst travelling along, as you can see. Hopefully we can go again next year. The boat travels [...]

2017-05-26T13:27:59+00:00 September 10, 2014|

Activities, including Razzamatazz, Nostalgia Films and much more

We have had some busy activity sessions, these offer a variety of entertainment, something for all to enjoy.   Margaret painting her gnome Everyone enjoys their game of snakes and ladders Rosina enjoys a visit from her daughter in law Enjoying a game of snakes and ladders Chatting whilst theypaint [...]

2017-05-26T13:27:59+00:00 September 8, 2014|